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For members of the Theosophical Society all over the world, Adyar is not only the international headquarters of the Society, but is also a symbol of the ideals which Theosophists cherish. It is a centre of spiritual power and peace which draws forth deep devotion and aspiration to truth. It is also a spring of inspiration and guidance, refreshing the hearts of many generations of members.
The Theosophical Society consists of members spread over the world, who work for the Society's objects in Lodges (branches) and Sections, or individually. They function everywhere with considerable freedom, and yet feel a strong sense of unity with their fellows throughout the world. Adyar plays no small part in maintaining that unity and sense of universal brotherhood which characterize the Society's activities. Adyar is the hub of an ever-widening circle of harmony.
The Theosophy which the Society propagates is changeless Truith, the heritage of all humanity; it is 'a prize to be striven for, not a dogma to be imposed by authority'. It has to be set forth in ways that are meaningful under changing conditions. It is from Adyar that insights flow continually, giving inspiration for the widespread activities of the Society and making Theosophy a living , transforming power in people's lives.
Radha Burnier
This book is an imprint of the Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, and is imported from India.

Adyar: The International Headquarters of the Theosophical Society

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